Pascal Super Library
Pascal Super Library (CW International)(1997).bin
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Text File
119 lines
U = M (Math.pas), C (Cmath.pas)
O = C (constant), F (function), P (procedure), T (type)
UO Name Arguments Result Comments
-- ------------ --------------- ------- -----------------------
MF acos (x: xfloat) xfloat inv circ cosine (rad)
MF acosd (x: xfloat) xfloat inv circ cosine (deg)
MF acosh (x: xfloat) xfloat inv hypb cosine
MF asin (x: xfloat) xfloat inv circ sine (rad)
MF asind (x: xfloat) xfloat inv circ sine (deg)
MF asinh (x: xfloat) xfloat inv hypb sine
MF atan (x: xfloat) xfloat inv circ tangent (rad)
MF atan2 (x,y: xfloat) xfloat (x,y) -> theta (rad)
MF atan2d (x,y: xfloat) xfloat (x,y) -> theta (deg)
MF atand (x: xfloat) xfloat inv circ tangent (deg)
MF atanh (x: xfloat) xfloat inv hypb tangent
CF cabs (x: complex) xfloat abs of complex var
CP cacos (var x: complex) x:=acos(x)
CP cacosh (var x: complex) x:=acosh(x)
CP cadd (var x,y: complex) x:=x+y
CP casin (var x: complex) x:=asin(x)
CP casinh (var x: complex) x:=asinh(x)
CP catan (var x: complex) x:=atan(x)
CP catanh (var x: complex) x:=atanh(x)
MC CBRT2 cube root of 2
MC CBRT3 cube root of 3
CP ccos (var x: complex) x:=cos(x)
CP ccosh (var x: complex) x:=cosh(x)
CP cdiv (var x,y: complex) x:=x/y
MF ceil (x: xfloat) xfloat round up
CP cexp (var x: complex) x:=exp(x)
CP cjx (var x: complex) x:= j*x, j = sqrt(-1)
CP cln (var x: complex) x:=ln(x)
CP cmult (var x,y: complex) x:=x*y
CP cneg (var x: complex) x:=-x
CP cnjx (var x: complex) x:=-j*x, j = sqrt(-1)
CT complex record of float
CP conj (var x: complex) complex conjugate
MF cosd (x: xfloat) xfloat circ cosine (deg)
MF cosh (x: xfloat) xfloat hypb cosine
CP cpoly (var x: complex; degree: integer; var coeffs)
CP cpow (var x,y: complex) x:=pow(x,y)
CP crecip (var x: complex) x:=1/x
CP csin (var x: complex) x:=sin(x)
CP csinh (var x: complex) x:=sinh(x)
CP csqr (var x: complex) x:=x*x
CP csqrt (var x: complex) x:=sqrt(x)
CP csub (var x,y: complex) x:=x-y
CP ctan (var x: complex) x:=tan(x)
CP ctanh (var x: complex) x:=tanh(x)
CT cxray array of complex
MC D2R # radians in a degree
MP deg2dms (deg: xfloat; var d,m,s: float)
MF deg2rad (x: xfloat) xfloat
MF dms2deg (d,m,s: xfloat) xfloat
MF dms2rad (d,m,s: xfloat) xfloat
MC E base of natural logs
MF exp (x: xfloat) xfloat e to the x power
MF exp10 (x: xfloat) xfloat 10 to the x power
MF exp2 (x: xfloat) xfloat 2 to the x power
MF fdiv (x,y: xfloat) xfloat
MT float real or double
MT floatray array of float
MF floor (x: xfloat) xfloat round down
MF fmod (x,y: xfloat) xfloat x (modulus y)
MF frem (x,y: xfloat) xfloat x-y*int(x/y)
MF hypot (x,y: xfloat) xfloat hypoteneuse
MF iif (p: boolean; t,f: xfloat) xfloat
MF ipow (x,y: xfloat) xfloat imag comp of complex power
MF iroot (x,y: xfloat) xfloat imag comp of complex power
MF ln (x: xfloat) xfloat natural logarithm of x
MC LN10 natural logarithm of 10
MC LN2 natural logarithm of 2
MC LN3 natural logarithm of 3
MF log (x: xfloat) xfloat natural logarithm of x
MF log10 (x: xfloat) xfloat common logarithm of x
MC LOG10E 1/ln(10)
MF log2 (x: xfloat) xfloat base-2 logarithm of x
MC LOG2E 1/ln(2)
MC M2R # rads in a minute
MF max (x,y: xfloat) xfloat largest of two values
CC maxcxray
MC maxfloatray
MF min (x,y: xfloat) xfloat smallest of two values
MF modf (x: xfloat; var ipart: float) xfloat
CF phase (x: complex) xfloat (rp,ip) -> theta
MC PI plain ol' round pi
MC PI_2 pi/2
MC PI_4 pi/4
MF poly (x: xfloat; degree: integer; var coeffs ) xfloat;
MF pow (x,y: xfloat) xfloat x to the y power
MF pow10 (x: xfloat) xfloat 10 to the x power
MF powi (x: xfloat; n: integer) xfloat
MC R1_E 1/e
MC R1_PI 1/pi
MC R1_SQRTPI 1/sqrt(pi)
MC R2_PI 2/pi
MC R2_SQRTPI 2/sqrt(pi)
MC R2D # degrees in a radian
MF rad2deg (x: xfloat) xfloat
MP rad2dms (r: xfloat; var d,m,s: float)
MF remf (x: xfloat; var ipart: float) xfloat
MF root (x,y: xfloat) xfloat x to the 1/y power
MF round2 (x: xfloat; n: shortint) xfloat
MC S2R # rads in a second
MF sgn (x: xfloat) xfloat sign of x
MF sind (x: xfloat) xfloat circ sine (deg)
MF sinh (x: xfloat) xfloat hypb sine
MC SQRPI sqr(pi) (not round!)
MF sqrt (x: xfloat) xfloat
MC SQRT2 sqrt(2)
MC SQRT_2 sqrt(1/2)
MC SQRTPI sqrt(pi) = gamma(1/2)
MF tan (x: xfloat) xfloat circ tangent (rad)
MF tand (x: xfloat) xfloat circ tangent (deg)
MF tanh (x: xfloat) xfloat hypb tangent
MT xfloat real or extended